Yes, you.
You have been chosen.
Chosen to be the mother of your children.
Yes, you with the issues. The shady past. With all of your mistakes.
Yes, you. The one who doesn’t have your life all together.
The one who doesn’t have a clue what you’re doing.
The impatient one.
Yep, I’m talking to you.
I know you often think your child needs a different mom.
I know you wish you could be somebody else.
But you need to know that your children need you.
Not somebody else’s mom.
I know you wish you weren’t sick.
Or so impatient.
Or that you were more talented.
Or ….. more perfect.
Or knew what the heck you were doing.
Your children need you.
Let that sink in to your very core.
Do you believe it?
The Master of the Universe, in His infinite wisdom chose you to be the mother of your children.
He had an infinite number of options.
He considered every possibility.
He weighed each one carefully and thoroughly.
He knew your issues.
He knows you through and through.
And He still. chose. you.
He is able
to take your brokeness
your inadequacies
your lack of understanding
your imperfections
and somehow
do something through you so magnicificent
that you cannot begin to fathom it.
You’re a mom.
You are precious.
The work that you’ve been given is life changing.
And you have not been left to accomplish this lofty calling unaided.
The God of the Universe is ready, willing, and able to help you.
You’ve been chosen.
Now step into your calling with boldness, confidence, courage, and humility.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Thank you so much Alecia for sharing this poem with all mother’s. I feel I fail all the time, but was just reminded by you that this was God’s plan, for me to have my beautiful children as a constant reminder of his greatness. I am so grateful that God has brought into my life. Happy Mother’s Day to you as well.
You are most welcome, my friend.
Alecia, all mother’s need encouragement for the incredible job they’ve been assigned.
Thank you for sharing a beautiful truth so beautifully! ~Teresa
Thank you Teresa for your sweet words! Hope you enjoyed your Mother’s day!