As I’ve been writing for the past few months, I’ve chosen to write on topics that I’ve either observed parents struggling with or that I’ve struggled with myself. I’m an observer and a thinker. I’m always thinking of ways to solve problems or trying to get to the root issue of problems. It’s just how I’m wired. And I LOVE helping people.
So, I’d like to hear from you.
What kind of issues, challenges, or problems are you faced with right now?
Behavior problems?
Overwhelmed by curriculum choices?
Trying to determine what’s “normal”?
Trying to make decisions about how to educate your child? Public? Private?
One day classes?
Want to know how you can help your child focus better?
Questions about how to teach something to your child or maybe your child has a question for me?
Need ideas on how to motivate and/or inspire your child?
Need ideas on how to work and homeschool?
Stuck about what to do next?
Are you noticing that something is not right with your child, but you can’t quite put your finger on it?
Not sure how to prepare your son or daughter for college?
Is your child still wetting the bed when they should be past that stage?
Is your child still having two year old tantrums when they should be far beyond them?
Need to know what your child needs to know?
Want to make sure your child is prepared for life beyond your home?
Ask away!
I’m all ears. I’ll be answering your questions in the coming blogs. So come on all you people in “blog land” ! I want to hear from you.
What are your burning questions about parenting and educating your children? Be sure to invite friends to post as well.
Feel free to post questions below or contact me.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
hi Alecia,
thanks for letting us ask questions.
we seem to have hit burn-out early this year.
how can I make “learning a joy” with a 2nd and 6th grader learning addition and multiplication tables?
Shanita, have you tried any online math helps? Here is one we’ve used. It helps to change up things from time to time. Try to pick 2-3 different methods of learning the facts for a bit of variety. You may even want to take a break for a few weeks from the “normal” math. Check out this post for some ideas.