I have been uniquely designed by God.
I am his masterpiece.
I’m exquisite.
I have been chosen by God.
I am his treasure.
I am meant to impact the world.
I am a blessing.
I am significant and valuable.
I am worthy of love.
I am worthy of prosperity and wealth.
I am a child of the King of kings.
I am all of these things, due to no effort on my part.
I could NEVER earn these wonderful gifts
They are gifts from the hands of a generous and loving God given through Christ Jesus.
All because…
I cannot lose His Love
‘No one can take it away.
I cannot mess it up.
No matter what others may say
Even when I feel like a nobody
Even when I don’t do things perfectly
Even when I mess up in a BIG way
Even when I have 2 cents in my pocket
Even if I was treated like a piece of trash
Even if I’ve come from poverty
Even if I was abandoned and rejected by others
Even if I have a shady past
Even if I don’t have the “right” family lineage
NONE of that matters
I’m still designed for greatness
I’m still meant to be a channel of God’s love
I’m still God’s gift to this world
I’m powerful
I’m pure
I’m fully accepted by God
I’m perfect
I’m righteous
I’m forgiven
I’m holy
Because of what Jesus did for me!
But I will only experience the reality of these things
if I stay close to Jesus and BELIEVE!
Lord, help me to believe
Help me to love me, the way you love me
I love it. Stay close to Jesus and believe.
Judy, doesn’t that simplify life? I need simple.
Powerful and full of life giving truth!!! Thank you so much for writing and sharing ????
Sabrina, in a world that tells me to do more, and be more, these truths bring REST to my soul. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to share these truths with you!