Have you found yourself homeschooling one of those children who is full of energy, and hard to keep focused? Is your child resistant to completing school work, and seems to be lazy? Is your child having a hard time reading words or struggling to understand what he or she reads? Does noise, lights, scents or other sensory input disturb and distract your child?
I have a kid like this myself, and I work with students like these all of the time. From my experience working with these students, I’ve learned some tips on how to help them focus and complete academic assignments successfully. We even have some fun in the process!
1. Be a student of your child. Observe their triggers. What triggers anxiety, tantrums, or lack of cooperation.
2. Create a less distracting environment (especially for tasks that require great focus) Have your child help you set up this space. You may need to adjust the lights. They may need neutral colors. They may need to be in a room where strong scents are blocked off. For children who are distracted by noise, try having them listen to www.simplynoise.com on headphones. Using a study carrel could also help with distractions.
3. Adjust your expectations. Do what is reasonable for your child. Accept them as they are today. Trial and error will help you determine what is a reasonable expectation for your child. Once you determine what is reasonable, be firm and consistent. Continue Reading