Don’t worry.
Talk to God about every problem.
Every challenge.
Every circumstance.
Ask Him for what you need.
Mary– She Chose to Believe
Every Christmas I always love reading through the Christmas story. And every time I read the story, I’m always struck by Mary’s response to the miraculous message she received from the angel Gabriel. If you’re familiar with the story you know that one day when Mary was going about her daily routine, an angel appears out of nowhere telling her that she was highly favored. She had no idea what that meant, and she was afraid. The angel goes on to say that she would give birth to a son whom she would name Jesus. This special child would be called a child of the Most High and He would rule on David’s throne forever.
Awesome sauce! (My new favorite phrase. )
Now imagine you’re a young woman (somewhere between 14-19), you’re engaged to be married, and minding your own business and an angel shows up with this “good news”. You’re about to have the long awaited Messiah. You are responsible for raising this special child who would fulfill the prophecies. You.Continue Reading