A few weeks ago, my daughter and I returned from a trip to Burundi, Africa. It was eye-opening, beautiful and deeply moving. Though the trip was wonderful, the process of getting there was equally as important. There were months of fundraising, which means sharing the vision of our trip over and over again. It meant making our needs known as well as the needs of the women we were going to serve. It mean planning and organizing. And sometimes it was agonizing because the time kept ticking, and the money wasn’t coming in as quickly as we would have liked. As we prayed, and shared with people, I was continually reminded that…
we could not do this alone.
In fact we had over 60 people supporting us through prayer, through financial donations and a myriad of other ways. Their help and support made a tremendous difference! It was a team effort. Yes, it took a village.
While we were in Burundi, we spent time with ladies who were a part of a training program. But it’s FAR more than just a training program. It’s a community. It’s a family. Though each of these ladies came with their own unique challenging circumstances, they came together for a common goal: to find hope. But they have found more. They have found others who listen as they pour out their broken hearts. They have found others to provide support and encouragement when they are facing an overwhelming circumstance. They have found others who laugh and rejoice with them. They have found others to give them wisdom and perspective. They have found fellow sojourners who lift them up as they become weary from the difficult journey that they all travel. They have found others who press them to continue moving forward when they are tempted to give up. They’ve found a safe place to share to dark secrets and hurts.
It’s a place of healing.
Of belonging.
Of love.
Of acceptance.
It’s beautiful. I’m so thankful that they welcomed us into that sacred place.
We all need a place like that.
As we homeschool, we need to be intentional about being in a community with other homeschoolers. We need the support. We need the encouragement. We need the perspective that others provide. We need accountability. We need someone to press us to move forward when we become weary. We need someone to tell us to rest when we are working ourselves to death! We need others to rejoice with us in our victories, and to mourn with us in our losses. We need others who lift us up when we are too weak, too sick or too tired.
Not only do we as parents need community, but our children need it as well.
Humans were never meant to be alone. We need each other. Life works best when we live in community with others.
We live in a world where it is easy to connect with LOTS of people without ever truly connecting from the heart. We can e-mail, text, facebook, twitter, etc. etc. And yet still be alone. So when I speak of community, I don’t mean showing up for meetings, or posting pictures on facebook. I mean being intentional about having others that you regularly meet with–virtually or in person–that you are honest with. Obviously, they need to be people you trust. It needs to a community of safety and confidentiality. It should be a place of belonging. In this fast pace culture, that can be hard to find. But it’s there. You must search for it.
I’ll share a secret that I’ve discovered. If you want deep intimate connections with others, you must risk being vulnerable first. It’s scary, and sometimes you’re vulnerability will backfire on you. You’ll be hurt from time to time, but… it is the only path to relationships that truly satisfy our heart’s loneliness.
I long for this connectedness.
You long for this connectedness.
Everyone longs for it.
We want to be known, and still accepted and loved.
We have to be honest with ourselves. We need this.
I’ve decide to design a group mentoring program in order to provide a safe place where homeschoolers can come together to support each other, and learn with each other. It’s far more than just getting information. There are plenty of books, and classes that can provide information. I want to create an atmosphere where people are able share life together.
Yes, we’ll read books together.
Yes, I’ll answer your specific questions about homeschooling (and life).
Yes, we’ll have a private facebook community.
Yes, we’ll meet virtually.
Yes, I’ll be coaching you on how to create an intentional plan for homeschooling.
Yes, we’ll be holding each other accountable for the goals that we set for ourselves.
But it is much more.
It’s a place of belonging.
I’m inviting you to join me. I’m piloting this program for two months at no cost. I’d love to have you join me. There will be limited spaces because I want to keep the group small and intimate.
Contact me if you like to join.
Would you do me a huge favor? Would you forward this to a friend or two that you believe this will benefit? I know you’re busy, but I know that many will benefit from my services. I just need your help to reach the people who need my help. Thanks.
I’d love to hear some stories of how being in community has helped you on your homeschooling/life’s journey. Please share in the comments below.
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