The God of Heaven,
the One who owns everything,
the One who owns the vast wealth of the Universe,
The One who exists in unapproachable light,
The King over all peoples,
The Majestic and beautiful of One,
The Source of EVERY good and perfect thing,
It is He that paid the greatest cost that could have been paid for me.
He held nothing back.
He spared no expense.
There is nothing more valuable than himself.
The Ruler of Heaven of Earth gave us is own life.
I was purchased at an exorbitant cost.
That’s how valuable I am to Him.
He paid this great price so that I might become his beloved child.
That I might enjoy living in intimate union with him forever.
So, I am uncommon.
I am indeed special. My life is no longer mine to live as I will.
I live for the One who gave his life for me.
I live with the One who has chosen to make his home within me.
I am uncommon.
Seriously, think about it.
This God, The One who could live anywhere he chooses.
He considered every possible option,
and he chose to prepare me to be his dwelling place–His home on earth.
I am a temple of the living God–the King of Heaven, the Glorious One.
The dwelling place for the King of the Universe cannot be common.
It must be majestic and glorious.
It must be fit for the King who rules over all other Kings.
It must be the best that this Universe and beyond has to offer.
He has chosen me.
My body is holy.
Therefore I must treat this body with the greatest of care.
I must value myself as much as God does.
For, I am uncommon.
Yes, my body is fragile and weak,
but it carries a glorious treasure within.
I have been chosen for this great work,
So that I might display his glorious beauty to the world.
I am Holy.
I am uncommon.
Yes! Glad to hear from you again, Alecia! I was just thinking about you. God bless.
I’m hoping to write a bit more in 2020. Glad to hear you haven’t given up on me. 🙂