I believe one of the greatest emotions that I find homeschoolers struggle with, is the fear of getting it all wrong and failing their children. I think if we’re all honest with ourselves we all have this fear. I believe fear can be the driving force for many parents. It can lead us to make decisions that we might not otherwise make. It can keep us from taking risks. It can keep us living within the boxes of other peoples expectations. It can keep us from living life to the fullest. Fear often drives us toward unrealistic expectations and becomes a rigid task master. It can drain all of the creativity and joy from our lives.
We can not give our children our best when fear of failure is our motivation. Love should drive us, not fear.
So what should we do?
1. Accept that we will experience some failure. We will not accomplish all that we hope to accomplish. On the other hand, will accomplish many things that we didn’t expect to accomplish. You will make lots of mistakes along the way. Focus on the good that you’re able to accomplish, and learn from your mistakes.
2. There are no guarantees of success. People are complex beings, so there are many factors that determine the outcome. Most of the factors, you can’t control. Illness, learning challenges, deaths, job losses, moving, natural disasters, rebellious children and divorces all happen within the context of educating our children. All these things affect how and what they learn. I believe all of these life events are an integral part of the learning process—for us and our children.
3. Give your child the best you can, given your circumstances, your limitations, your time, etc. your best is all you have to give. You can’t give someone else’s best. You can’t give what you don’t have. You’re not responsible for what you don’t know.
4. Enjoy the journey! The destination isn’t the only thing. No one knows what twists and turns life may bring but you have today. Live each day to the fullest!
5. Educate with vision and purpose. Know why you’re doing what you do and know what you want to accomplish. What values are important to you and why? What are you passionate about? What legacy do you want to leave for your children?
6. Have a support system in place. Join a homeschooling group. Get feedback from others who know and love you and your child. Work with a homeschooling coach. That’s me, and I’d love to be apart of your support team. Contact me to set up a “get Acquainted” session.
If you struggle with fear in other areas of your life, please contact me. I’d like to get you an electronic copy of my book: Fear Lives Here No More, In it, I share my own journey to overcoming fear.
So true sweet friend! And I think for me (and maybe really every homeschool Mama)…I needed to realize that the Lord has a purpose for each of my children’s lives and that He would equip me to educate them for that purpose. It was very freeing to me when I realized He is in control and His purpose would prevail despite me!! ; )
Absolutely! Homeschooling with vision, can make all the difference in the world, and what better vision to have than God’s vision. I continually remind myself that He has a perfect plan. Thanks for visiting again, my friend.