We’re a people who like to be in control.
We like to have our ducks in a row. We like to know how all of the pieces of the puzzle will fit together.
We like to plan ahead to avoid chaos. We like to know what’s going to happen in advance.
So when many of us approach God’s Word, we are very uncomfortable with not being able to understand.
We are very uncomfortable with the unpredictability of the Spirit.
That’s why surrendering to Jesus is so unsettling. It means we give Him control of our lives. It means we may not know what going to happen next. It means He may not tell us how all of puzzle pieces will fit together. It means things may look and feel like chaos sometimes.
We must trust this God who completely holds the entire Universe in his hand. He organized. Efficient. He’s a planner. He’s is very purposeful in all that He does. He’s in FULL control!
And He loves us.
He refuses to give us anything less than His very best.
He considers EVERY possible option.
Everything our hearts long for is out there in that unknown, unpredictable, unsettling place. The place that you resist. The place you’ve been trying to avoid. The place that seems so foolish.
That place… is with Jesus.
Will you allow yourself to become comfortable with the uncomfortable?
Is a beautiful, wonderful place. It’s the place where love reigns supreme. It’s the place where my heart’s deepest desires are met. It’s the place where I’m given the privilege to see and experience things that I’ve never even imagined. I admit. It’s like free falling. But… it’s good!
We can be comfortable with the uncomfortable, because Jesus is with us.
Free falling is absolutely the best, most exhilarating experience I’ve ever had. During my fall, I completed my bachelors degree (a 7 year process in my 40s), started working in a Title 1 school with 98% students living in poverty, and over 60% students learning English as a second language, celebrated 20 years married, and became a grandmother! The supreme love of Jesus Christ, the lover of my soul, has guided me through it all.
There are still times I reach out to grab onto the instabilities of this world, and am reminded of the futility of it all, but He is always faithful, and so incredibly patient with me! Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom, Alecia, I learn something new with everything you write. You have helped me (more than you know) put words to some of my experiences that I have wanted to share for a long time. God bless you, my friend.
May God continue to bless you with opportunities to “free fall” with Him. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. And thank you for pressing into the hard places to love your students. We need more people like you in this world.
A beautiful article, Alecia — it is one of the most baffling and confounding predicaments, this unwillingness to go into that “unknown, unpredictable, unsettling place” that you describe. It is the place to be, but oh, how we resist going there!
Thankyou Carolyn. I know you have discovered the hidden jewels that can be found in the places that we too often resist. Thanks for dropping by!