“To serve should be a privilege, and it is to our shame that we tend to think of it as a burden, something to do if you’re not fit for anything better or higher.” Madeline L’Engle
Service is the heart of our homeschool. Basically, it’s the heart of our family. ( In fact, my oldest daughter and I are in route to Africa to serve widows and orphan girls of Burundi. ) All that we learn, is learned so that we can better serve others. All that we do, we do not simply for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others.
Serving is a great way to teach our children to be people of action, not simple philosphers who contemplate the complexities of the universe in their ivory towers. Serving is a great way “road test” the ideas that we teach. It reveals the relevancy of learning. Serving has lessons of its own as well, and you can’t always predict the lessons that will be presented. Serving teaches our children to be generous, to give our best and to see other people as valuable and worthy of their time, energy, and material possessions.
Serving is all about loving.
Here are some ideas of how you can begin serving TODAY:Continue Reading