It is good to pause and consider the previous year before charging into the next with all of our goals, scriptures, or words of the year. As we ponder and pray over our life, we are able to see the hand of God at work in our lives. We are able to have a better perspective on the direction we’re going in our lives and to decide if we need to make changes or continue moving forward. The beginning of a new year is a wonderful time to reflect, to celebrate God’s goodness in our lives and to pray for His plans and purposes for the coming year.
Make no mistake about it. God had a plan for your previous year. He definitely has a plan for this coming year. The question is: Will we choose to cooperate with His plans or will we demand that He bring our plans to pass? Keep in mind that He will work against any plans that contradict his plans, yet he pours out lavish grace to those who humbly submit themselves to His plans.
In other words, he propels his plans forward, and he thwarts any other plans.
Here are some questions that I’ve used to reflect on the previous year. Perhaps they may help you as well.Choose only the questions that are most helpful for you. There is no obligation to complete them all.Continue Reading